1      The State of Maharashtra Order, 1994

The President of India, in exercise of his powers conferred by Article 371 (2) has promulgated an order titled “The State of Maharashtra (Special responsibility of the Governor for Vidarbha, Marathwada and Rest of Maharashtra) Order, 1994”. On basis of this, the Governor of Maharashtra issued an order dated 5th September,2011 with  minor changes in the composition and functions of the development Board.

1.2       Establishment Development Boards
In exercise of the powers conferred by the President of India under the State of Maharashtra Order, 1994, the Governor of Maharashtra vide order No.GS/G/94/DB/432, dated 30th April, 1994 established three separate Development Boards for Vidarbha, Marathwada and the Rest of Maharashtra region and specified the areas of respective Development Boards. The Governor of Maharashtra shall by order made in this behalf, constitute separate Development Boards, one each for Vidarbha, Marathwada and the Rest of Maharashtra area in the State of Maharashtra. These Boards shall be known respectively, as,- a) The Vidarbha Development Board,  b) The Marathwada Development Board, c) The Development Board for the Rest of Maharashtra.
As per the Government of Maharashtra Order, dated 5th September 2011, the composition and function of Development Boards are revised with minor changes.

1.3       Composition of the Development Board:
1. Each Development Board shall consist of the following members, including the Chairman, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor,-
a) Executive Chairman of the State Planning Board shall be an ex-officio member of all the three Development Boards;
b) One member of the Maharashtra State Legislature from the Aurangabad Revenue Division, in respect of the Marathwada Development Board; and in respect of the other Development Boards, one such member from each Revenue Division(s) by rotation for a term of two and a half years within the area of the respective Development Board.  Such member, on completion of his term shall not be eligible for consecutive terms;
c) One member each, from an urban local authority and a rural local authority, from the area of the respective Development Board by rotation for a term of two and a half years. Such member, on completion of his term, shall not be eligible for consecutive terms;
d) Five experts, including representatives of the Non-Governmental Organization and institutions of National/State level reputation, engaged in socio-economic development. At least one expert shall be from each Revenue Division The experts shall have special knowledge of the development administration, planning process, finances and accounts of Government or in various socio-economic fields;
e) Commissioners of Revenue Divisions, from the area of respective Development Board;
f) An Officer of the State Government not below the rank of an Additional Commissioner of a Revenue Division, who shall be Member-Secretary of each respective Development Board.
As per order dated 05th September 2011 the Governor of Maharashtra appointed the Divisional Commissioner, Aurangabad Division as the Acting Chairman of the Board. Four expert members namely Dr. R. P. Kurulkar, Dr. D. S. Lohiya, Shri Vijay Diwan and Shri  Mukund  A. Kulkarni have been appointed vide order dated 24.02.2012.

    1. Duration of the Board & Tenure of Board Members

A) Duration of the Board
            The Development Boards completed their term of 5 years on April 30, 1999.  The President of India vide order dated April 29, 1999 titled as “The State of Maharashtra (special responsibility of the Governor for Vidarbha, Marathwada and the Rest of Maharashtra region) Amendment Order, 1999” extended the term of the three Development Boards by another 5 years upto 30th April, 2004. Later on, the Hon’ble Governor extended the term of Development Boards for one year i.e. upto 30thApril, 2005 and further the Hon’ble Governor extended the term of Marathwada Statutory Development Board up to 30th April, 2010, by the letter dated 10th January, 2006. On recommendation by the Hon. Governor of Maharashtra, the Hon. President of India has extended term of boards up to 30th April, 2015 vide Govt. of India Gazette notification dated 26th July, 2010.

            B) Tenure of Board Members
The particulars of the Chairman and Members of the Marathwada Statutory Development Board for the year 2011-12 are as given under:

Sr. No.







Dr. R. P.  Kurulkar

Acting Chairman




Shri Bhaskar Mundhe I.A.S.
Divisional Commissioner,
Aurangabad Division 

Acting Chairman




Shri Sanjeev Jaiswal

Acting Chairman



Shri Babasaheb Kupekar, Executive Chairman, State Planning Board

Ex-Officio Member




Shri. Bhaurao Baburao Patil (MLA)





Shri Chandrakant Danwe (MLA)





Shri Rajkishor Modi (Member of MC)





Dr. S. B. Nakade

Expert Member




Dr. G. G. Nandapurkar

Expert Member




Shri S. L. Warudkar

Expert Member




Dr. R. P.  Kurulkar





Dr. D.S. Lohiya





Shri Vijay Diwan





Shri Mukund A. Kulkarni





Shri Bhaskar Mundhe I.A.S.
Divisional Commissioner,
Aurangabad Division

Ex-Officio Member




Dr Nirupama Dange, I.A.S.

Member Secretary



1.5       Functions of the Board:
The Development Boards shall, from time to time –
   (a) ascertain potential of socio-economic development in relation to its area considering its resources, needs and opportunities having regard to the development of the State as a whole;
   (b) Identify areas, sectors, population groups within the area of the Development Boards which require special attention ;
   (c) Prepare regional/district development reports and update the same periodically. The regional/district development reports may      contain,—
           (i)  An analysis of assessment of local human and natural resources and potential of socio-economic development ;
           (ii)  The development status of important population groups in terms of development indicators of areas of socio-economic concern;
           (iii)  Computation of development status of indicators of Human Development such as health, education and livelihood issues;
           (iv) An outline of regional development plan based on resources and potential of the regions;
           (v) Impact on assessment and evaluation of plan programme and overall regional development;
  (d) Suggest the levels of development expenditure over the area of the Development Board considering need based balanced regional development, during a plan period including the annual plan ;
  (e) Assess the impact of various development efforts in removing regional imbalance and in achieving overall development within its area ;
  (f) Prepare an annual report on its working and send it, as far as practicable within three months after the end of every financial year, to the Governor for placing it before the Maharashtra State Legislature.

1.6       Allocation of funds for development expenditure
a)   The Governor of Maharashtra shall ensure equitable allocation of funds for developmental expenditure over the areas of Development Board, subject to the requirements of the State as a whole.
(b)   In ensuring equitable allocation of funds, the Governor may—
            (i)   Take into consideration the recommendations, if any, made by the Development Board, and
            (ii)   Where he considers it necessary and appropriate, seek advice from any person or body of persons in the matter of the allocation of funds.

1.7       Allocation of funds to be reflected in annual financial statement
The allocation of funds or outlays made by the Governor shall be reflected in the Annual Financial Statement (including supplementary budgets) to be placed before the State Legislature and the development activities with regard to the outlays as aforesaid, shall be carried out or caused to be carried out by the State Government, and the funds so allocated shall be non divertible from the area of one Board to that of another Board. The State Government shall also prepare a statement of region-wise and category-wise outlays and expenditure for development expenditure for all the sectors. This statement shall give details of actual disbursements and revised expenditure for the previous financial year and actual disbursements and actual expenditure for the year preceding the previous financial year: Provided that,—
            (a)   re-appropriation may be made in conformity with the budgetary rules and procedure on the development activities undertaken as aforesaid within the area of a Board;
            (b)   in the implementation of the developmental activities, the prevailing norms shall be adhered to; and
            (c)  the respective administrative Departments shall continue to implement and exercise administrative and technical supervision and control over the developmental activities.

1.8       Directives by the Hon. Governor.-
Directives by the Governor of Maharashtra under rule 7 of the Development Boards for Vidarbha, Marathwada and the rest of Maharashtra order 1994, for the region wise distribution of outlays in the annual plan 2011-12.

  1. The State of Maharashtra The State of Maharashtra (Special Responsibility of Governor for Vidarbha Marathwada and the rest of Maharashtra) Order, 1994 made by the President of India under Article 371(2) of the Constitution of India has assigned the Governor of Maharashtra Special responsibility for matters specified in sub Clauses (b) and (c) of Clause (2) of Article 371 of the Constitution in respect of the areas of Development Boards for Vidarbha, Marathwada and the rest of Maharashtra. On 30th April 1994, the Governor of Maharashtra issued the Development Boards for Vidarbha, Marathwada and the rest of Maharashtra Order, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the Order) constituting separate Development Boards for the said three regions.
  2. According to Rule 7 of the said Order, the Governor of Maharashtra has the special responsibility of ensuring equitable allocation of funds for development expenditure over the areas of Development Boards, subject to the requirements of the State as a whole.
  3. According to Rule 8 of the said Order, the allocation of funds or outlays made by the Governor shall be reflected in the Annual Financial Statement to be placed before the State Legislature and the development activities with regard to the outlays as aforesaid, shall be carried out or caused to be carried out by the State Government and the funds so allocated shall be non-divertible from the area of one Board to that of another Board.
  4. The Governor has directed that the Annual plan outlays in the annual plan 2011-12 for irrigation sector shall be made in the following manner –
  5. from the divisible outlay in the overall allocation to the irrigation sector as a whole, sufficient funds shall first be earmarked to the districts having backlog remaining as an interim measure. Water resources department has prepared time bond programme for removal of backlog. While calculating the funds required, it is necessary to take in to account the progress of works and requirement of funds as per this plan.
  6. The funds under tribal sub plan would be allocated as by giving equal weightage to tribal population and area under TSP. The funds should be distributed on the basis of weighted average i.e. 50 %.

5.      After deducting allocation for the irrigation sector and funds for removal of backlog in other backlog sectors, the divisible portion of the remaining plan outlays should be distributed amongst the three regions in proportion to the overall population of the respective regions. With this region while allocations of remaining plan outlays, there would however be flexibility to have sector wise distribution among the three regions depending upon the needs and development opportunities of respective regions in those sectors. It thus means that region wise allocation of a sector and schemes under the sector need not necessarily be strictly based on population proportion of respective regions and there would be flexibility in distributing the sectoral outlays among the three regions and schemes under the sectors among three regions keeping in view the special needs of the regions and opportunities for developments for the regions in various sectors.  However, the sum total of all the sectoral outlays for regions taken together should be within the overall ceiling of the share of respective regions in the remaining plan outlays which are distributed in proportion of overall population of respective region.
6.      There shall be no diversion of funds from backlog districts to non backlog districts and from the area of one development board to another without prior approval of the Governor.  

1.9       Suitable arrangement for Education, Training and Employment.
The Governor shall ensure equitable arrangement providing adequate facilities for technical education and vocational training and for adequate opportunities for employment in services under the control of the State Government in respect of the area of each Development Board, subject to the requirements of the State as a whole, and for that purpose the Governor shall give suitable directions to the State Government, from time to time ; and while doing so, the Governor may, where he considers it necessary and appropriate, seek advice from any person or body of persons.